Making Pets Welcome with Pet Amenities

Here’s a list of amenities that can help your business be more pet-friendly to welcome pet visitors and keep them comfortable.

Pet hydration station/drinking fountain. Water is extremely important for pets, especially during exercise or when temperatures are high. If you don’t have the piping in place for an installed drinking fountain, consider putting out bowls of water that are regularly refreshed and cleaned.

Pet relief area. Identify a space on your property that can be used for pet relief. It should have a waste bag dispenser and a trash receptacle that is emptied regularly to control odors. Check this article for tips on successful relief areas.

Dog park. If you have space, a fenced dog park is a great amenity your dog visitors will love. Here’s an article that explains the key features of a successful dog park.

Signage. To help pet parents know where to find pet amenities and any guidelines that should be followed, add signage. You can also use pet-related signs to encourage responsible pet ownership, so everyone has a good experience. Find sample messages for waste stations, hydration and other needs in our Signage for Pet-Friendly Places toolkit.

Leash hooks. Add leash hooks in areas where pet parents might need their hands free, such as your checkout counter, restroom stalls and pet-friendly patio spaces.

Selfie space. Give pet parents a fun spot to take pictures with their pet, and they may help spread the word about your pet-friendly business! Consider a mural, sculpture or other feature that makes a great backdrop for pictures.

Resources. Obtain or put together a one-pager, brochure or resource guide about other pet-friendly places nearby, for example pet-friendly parks and trails, a nearby veterinarian, etc. Pet parents will appreciate the help finding more pet-friendly spots for their time with their best friend.

Want more tips? Check out the Pets Welcome Toolkit for info about how to launch a pet-friendly business initiative that can benefit businesses, pet parents and pets.

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